CMAL Piers & Landside Maintenance Projects – 2021 Update
PM TIR 008
ISPS Fencing & Gates at Tiree Pier
CMAL have awarded the contract for the Installation of ISPS Fencing & gates at Tiree Pier. Works will be starting on site March 2021
PM CAS 004
Pier Furniture Repair Works at Castlebay
CMAL will soon be publishing the tender for the works to replace / repair barriers, handrails, gates & bollards at Castlebay, including provision for ISPS fencing & gates.
PM COL 004
Fender Repairs at Coll
CMAL will soon be publishing the tender for fender repairs at Coll.
PM ARM 005
Armadale External Lighting Improvement Works
CMAL have completed the contract for the improvement works to the External Lighting to the Pier, Marshalling Area etc at Armadale.
PM LAR 005
Largs Pier Access Improvement & Electrical Upgrade Works
CMAL will soon be publishing the tender for the works to upgrade the external lighting at Largs Pier, including installation of new UPS system & LED lighting.
PM PEL 004
Port Ellen Waste Compound Works
This project is currently on hold, pending the outcome of the terminal building redesign.
PM UPS 001
Installation of Uninterrupted Power Supply back-ups to Network Lighting
CMAL have awarded the contract for the external lighting UPS & LED installation at Kennacraig, works are currently progressing on site. Oban, Port Ellen, Kilchoan & Tobermory Ferry Terminals will be tendered during 2021.
PM PSR 001 – 005
Review of all Port Signage around Network
CMAL will be reviewing & improving all port signage around the network.
PM GOU 004 – Installation of new barriers, handrailing & security fencing at Gourock Pier
CMAL will soon be starting the design stage to replace / repair barriers, handrails & gates at Gourock Pier
PM OBA 012 – Upgrade Works to Shore Power Bollards & Card Dispenser at Oban Railway Pier
CMAL have awarded the contract for the works to upgrade the Shore Power Bollards & Card Dispenser at Oban Railway Pier, works are currently progressing on site.
PM UPS 002A – Fishnish UPS & LED Upgrade Works
CMAL have completed the contract to upgrade the external lighting at Fishnish, including installation of LEDs & a UPS.
PM CTR 003 – Pedestrian Footpath Extension Works at Colintraive
CMAL will soon be publishing the tender for the works to extend & improve the pedestrian footpaths at Colintraive Ferry Terminal.
PM ARM 006 – Armadale Pier barriers, gates & fencing Improvement Works
CMAL will soon be starting the design stage to replace / repair barriers, handrails & gates at Armadale Pier.