Transport Scotland approved the Port Ellen Terminal Development (PETD) project at the Outline Business Case stage in the autumn of 2023. The project team has since been refining the preferred option design to ensure it meets the requirements of the ferry operator and harbour stakeholders.

The project is approaching the start of the detailed design works stage. Public meetings will allow the project team to present the developed design drawings and visualisations of the proposed works to the community for feedback before moving into the detailed design work and to provide consultation to support the required consent application processes.

Location Event Venue Event Date Event Time
Port Ellen Ramsay Hall
N Bay
Port Ellen
Isle of Islay
PA42 7BY
Tuesday 11th June 2024 15:30–18:30
Jura Craighouse Village Hall
Isle of Jura
PA60 7XU
Wednesday 12th June 2024 14:00–17:00

For more details on the project, please visit, or feel free to contact our project team at

Don’t forget to check out the other projects we have on Islay at the moment:

Categories: Naidheachdan, Port Ellen Terminal Development, Press, Projects