PETD: Seiseanan Conaltraidh Coimhearsnachd an Fhaoillich 2025
Transport Scotland approved the Port Ellen Terminal Development (PETD) project at the Outline Business Case stage in the autumn of 2023. The project team has since been progressing with the preferred option detailed design and is now in a position to start the marine construction license consenting process.
As part of this consenting process, we will hold a pre-application consultation (PAC) event to present information on the proposed works’ methodologies and their impacts on the site and the local environment.
We will seek feedback on the proposals from stakeholders, the local community and the general public.
Location | Event Venue | Event Date | Event Time |
Port Ellen | Ramsay Hall N Bay Port Ellen Isle of Islay PA42 7BY |
Tuesday 21 January 2025 | 15:30–18:30 |
More information
For more details on the project, please visit, or feel free to contact our project team at
Don’t forget to check out the other projects we have on Islay at the moment:
Categories: Co-chomhairlean, Leasachadh Ionad Aiseig Phort Ilein, Meadhanan, Naidheachdan, Pròiseactan, Tachartasan