Complete NTM 59/16

At 2000hrs Saturday 3 September 2016 the Viking Festival of Fire will take place at Cairnie’s Quay, Largs that weather permitting, will culminate in a fireworks display commencing 2100hrs and lasting for approximately 15 minutes.

Mariners are advised that for safety reasons during the period of the display all vessels and other persons not connected with the event should maintain a safe distance of not less than 100 metres from Cairnie’s Quay.

Following termination of the display at 2115hrs the safety zone will be stood down.

Further details can be obtained using the contact details below.

David McHardie
Harbour Master

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
Municipal Buildings, Fore St.,
Port Glasgow
PA1 4 5EQ
Tel: 01475 749920

Categories: Fios gu Maraichean