Complete NTM 41/16

Mariners are advised that a following maintenance and realignment all light sectors of Sgeir Ghlas sector navigation light are now accurate to +/- 1°.


The published AtoN details are as follows:

Location description : East Loch Tarbert. Sgeir Ghlas (A3993)
Latitude : 57° 52.362’   North (WGS-84 datum)
Longitude : 006° 45.238’ West   (WGS-84 datum
Characteristic : Iso WRG 4s
Sectors : G282-319(37°),W319-329(10°),R329-153(184°),W153-164(11°),G164-171(7°)
Elevation : 9m
Structure : Lighthouse
Range : 9Nm

Subsequently, NTM 04/16 is now cancelled.

Further details can be obtained using the contact details below.

David McHardie
Harbour Master

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
Municipal Buildings, Fore St.,
Port Glasgow
PA1 4 5EQ
Tel: 01475 749920

Categories: Notice to Mariners