NTM 31/16 Wemyss Bay Dive Works Shearwater Marine Services Ltd
Mariners are advised that from the night of Tuesday 29th March for approximately 7 nights, dive contractors Shearwater Marine Services Ltd will be carrying out diving works under and around the pier at Wemyss Bay as part of the ongoing upgrade works. The works will be carried out in late evening and through the night to avoid scheduled ferry services.
The dive team will be operating from the pier deck with a safety boat in attendance.
At all times dive operation working areas will be appropriately marked using Flag A ‘ Diving Operations’.
All vessels navigating the vicinity of Wemyss Bay Ferry Terminal are advised to exercise vigilance and pass at minimum safe manoeuvring speed and sufficient distance from the dive site to reduce the risk of damage or injury being caused by the passing vessel’s wash or displacement.
Further details can be obtained using the contact details below.
David McHardie
Harbour Master
Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
Categories: Fios gu Maraichean