NTM 20/19 Wemyss Bay Ferry Terminal Fender Maintenance Works – Update
Latitude | 55º 52.542′ North (WGS-84 datum) |
Longitude | 004º 53.484′ West (WGS-84 datum) |
With reference to NTM 18/19, mariners are advised that the work to undertake essential maintenance of the pier fenders at Wemyss Bay Ferry Terminal, Firth of Clyde is weather and tidal dependant and as such, will continue to be progressed during separate periods of work spread over the next several weeks.
Works will be undertaken from a small workboat and from the pier deck.
Prior to commencing works the contractor’s supervisor will liaise with the Harbour Manager and ferry Masters to ensure activities will not impact on timetabled ferry services. Communications will be maintained using VHF channels 12 and 16.
During this time, all vessels navigating in the vicinity of Wemyss Bay Ferry Terminal are requested to do so with caution, maintain a lookout for the workboat and regulate their speed to minimise the effects of wash.
Works will commence after the end of the days’ timetabled ferry services and cease before resumption of service the next morning.
Further details can be obtained using the contact details below:
David McHardie
Harbour Master
Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
Municipal Buildings,
Fore St. Port Glasgow
PA1 4 5EQ
Tel: 01475 749 920
Email: info@cmassets.co.uk
Categories: Notice to Mariners