Complete NTM 15/19

Latitude 56º 24.695′ North (WGS-84 datum)
Longitude 005º 28.639′ West (WGS-84 datum)


Mariners are advised that from 01 February 2019, No.1 linkspan, Oban Ferry Terminal, Argyll will be closed to use by all vessels to allow for works to replace the structure. The berth will remain open to authorised vessels only.

From this date contractor George Leslie Ltd will take possession of the linkspan and approach and commence works.

On 07 February, the crane barge Lara 1 will arrive on site and the following day is scheduled to lift the old linkspan from its position and install its new replacement.

While the barge is alongside the linkspan it is essential that all vessels navigating in the vicinity of Oban Ferry Terminal proceed at minimum safe speed to avoid causing any wash that could cause movement of the barge during this challenging operation.

The contractor’s supervisor and barge master will maintain liaison with the CalMac Harbour Manager and will monitor VHF channels 12 and 16 throughout the period of works.

During this time, timetabled ferry services will continue operation from No.2 berth.

Please note all timescales are weather permitting.

Further details can be obtained using the contact details below:

David McHardie
Harbour Master
Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
Municipal Buildings,
Fore St. Port Glasgow
PA1 4 5EQ

Tel: 01475 749 920



Categories: Notice to Mariners