NTM 10/18 Repairs to Oban No. 1 Linkspan Railway Pier, Oban
Latitude | 56° 24.694’ N | Longitude | 005o 28.641’ W |
WGS 84 Datum | WGS 84 Datum |
Mariners are advised that contractors Shearwater Marine Services Ltd will be undertaking welding repairs to Oban No. 1 ferry linkspan, Railway Pier, Oban.
Weather permitting the works will be undertaken on Friday 19 January 2018. In liaison with the CFL Harbour Manager the contractor’s supervisor will ensure works are programmed to avoid impacting on the scheduled ferry service.
Further details can be obtained using the contact details below:
David McHardie
Harbour Master
Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
Municipal Buildings, Fore St.,
Port Glasgow
PA1 4 5EQ
Tel: 01475 749 920
email: info@cmassets.co.uk
Categories: Notice to Mariners