NTM 05/22 Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay, Fender Replacement Works Update
Latitude 56º 4.134’N | Longitude 006º 11.055’W |
WGS 84 Datum | WGS 84 Datum |
Following a temporary suspension of works over the festive period, work to replace fendering on the north berth of Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay Ferry Terminal, Isle of Colonsay is scheduled to recommence on 10 January 2022 and completed during February 2022.
While works will predominantly be undertaken from the pier deck and temporary scaffolding, it may also include diving operations during which an A-flag will be displayed whenever divers are in the water. A small safety boat will always be in attendance and the supervisor will ensure VHF channel 16 is monitored.
Until works are completed the north berth remains closed to all vessels at all times.
Vessels navigating in the vicinity of Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay Ferry Terminal while works are ongoing are advised to maintain a look-out for the safety boat and any A-flag, proceed with caution and remain well clear of the north side of the pier.
Further details can be obtained using the contact details below.
Issued on behalf of the Harbour Master
Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
email: operations@cmassets.co.uk
Categories: Notice to Mariners