Complete NTM 04/24

Latitude   55° 48.395’ N                                                       Longitude 005o 29.070’ W

WGS 84 Datum                                                                      WGS 84 Datum

Mariners are advised that improvement works to the port at Kennacraig Ferry Terminal are ongoing and during this time the north or south pier berths will be alternately closed to mariners as required. One berth will always be available for scheduled ferry operations. The status of each can be found by calling ‘Kennacraig Harbour’ on VHF CH 12.

Works will be conducted from both the pier and the water. A small safety boat will be in attendance.

There will be diving operations conducted at various stages throughout the works.

When works are ongoing, mariners navigating in the vicinity of the Kennacraig Ferry Terminal are requested to do so with caution, regulate their speed to minimise the effects of wash and stay well clear of the side of the pier which is closed.

Unless otherwise promulgated, if this NTM is still marked as ‘Active’ it remains in force.

Further details can be obtained using the contact details below.

Issued on behalf of the Harbour Master

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited


Categories: Notice to Mariners