Latitude: 57º 53.819’N Longitude: 006º 47.952’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners are advised about 17:00hrs on 5 January 2023, a dive inspection of the Caledonian MacBrayne ferry MV Hebrides
Latitude: 55º 57.735’N Longitude: 004º 48.887’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum
Mariners are advised that the demolition of Brodick Old Pier, Brodick Bay, Isle of Arran is not yet complete and some of the pier structure remains standing on the bottom. Works have been stood down f
Latitude 56º 4.134’N Longitude 006º 11.055’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners are advised that works to replace fendering on the north berth of Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay Ferry Terminal, Isle
Mariners are informed this updated NTM covers the implementation of maritime sanctions at CMAL ports and harbours that were introduced by the UK Government on 1 March 2022, under the Russia (Sanctions
Latitude 56º 24.877’N Longitude 005º 28.838’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners may be aware of the Code of Practice for Oban Bay, North Channel & Sound of Kerrera that provides advice o
Mariners are advised that all active Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited NTMs issued prior to 1st January 2023 are cancelled or considered sufficiently promulgated. All new NTMs will be issued or those
The preferred bidder has been named for a contract to build two new ferries to support the communities at Uig, Lochmaddy and Tarbert (Harris). Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL) intends to award th
Mariners are advised that the demolition of Brodick Old Pier, Brodick Bay, Isle of Arran is not yet complete and some of the pier remains standing on the bottom. Works have been stood down for the win
Latitude: 55º 57.735’N Longitude: 004º 48.887’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum
Latitude 56º 4.134’N Longitude 006º 11.055’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners are advised that works to replace fendering on the north berth of Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay Ferry Terminal, Isle
Arran residents will soon benefit from a larger, well equipped local pharmacy as plans are laid for Arran Pharmacy Limited to transform the former terminal building. Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
Latitude 55º 34.639’N Longitude 005º 8.296’W WGS 84 Datum
Extra wave modelling work is being carried out
Improvements to the ferry terminal at Tarbert (Harris) have won a major engineering award – before the full project is even complete. The work, led by Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL), has be
Latitude: 55º 57.675’N Longitude: 004º 48.864’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum
Mariners are advised that weather permitting from 29 October 2022, ground investigation works will commence both on the shore and on the water at Port Ellen Harbour, Isle of Islay. Initially, workboat
Latitude 56º 4.134’N Longitude 006º 11.055’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners are advised that works to replace fendering on the north berth of Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay Ferry Terminal, Isle
Latitude: 55º 34.641’N Longitude: 005º 8.167’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners are advised that weather permitting, an inspection of the linkspan at Brodick Ferry Terminal, Isle of Arran wil
Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) is hosting a series of public meetings to update communities in Uig, Lochmaddy and Tarbert (Harris) on the two new vessels being procured for the Little Minch