Gourock Ferry Terminal – Linkspan Lifting Cylinder Replacement
To ensure passenger safety, CMAL needs to undertake urgent remedial work on the Gourock Linkspan to install two permanent working platforms at the front and rear and to remove, refurbish and replace both of the lifting cylinders. Due to the age and nature of the linkspan, it has to be closed while this work is being done and there will be no passenger access from 14th to 22nd June (inclusive).
CMAL very much regrets the inconvenience caused to passengers and to Argyll Ferries during this period, however this work is necessary to ensure continued safe operations of the linkspan. The second phase of the works is programmed for September 2013 and further details will be provided closer to the time.
Categories: Cidheachan is Calaidhean, Meadhanan
Tags: Gourock