• Vacancy: Harbour Engineer

    We are recruiting for the position of Harbour Engineer to strengthen the Harbour Assets and Planning Team

  • Vacancy: Trainee Management Accountant

    Reporting to the Financial Controller, the Trainee Management Accountant is an exciting new role within our small, dynamic Finance Team

  • Vacancy: Operational Contract Manager

    We’re recruiting a Operational Contract Manager to strengthen the Port Infrastructure Department

  • Dreuchd Bhàn: Àrd-Innleadair Togail

    Tha sinn a’ trusadh airson Àrd-Innleadair Togail gus cuideachadh le ar prògram obrach a lìbhrigeadh, a thaobh am bun-structar làithreach a chumail suas agus goireasan ath-ùrachadh airson soithichean ù

  • Dreuchd Bhàn: Oifigear PMO

    Tha sinn a’ trusadh airson dreuchd Oifigear PMO gus an Sgioba Taic Gnothachais a neartachadh

  • Vacancy: Civil Engineering Project Manager

    We’re recruiting Civil Engineering Project Managers to deliver our programme of works—maintaining existing infrastructure, upgrading facilities, and building new ferry terminals.