We are pleased to announce an upcoming face-to-face drop-in session for the Mallaig-Lochboisdale New Vessel project
We are pleased to announce an upcoming face-to-face drop-in session for the Mallaig-Lochboisdale New Vessel project
Tha clann sgoile ann an Ìle agus Diùra air cuireadh fhaotainn gu com-pàirt a ghabhail ann am farpais gus am pìosan ealain a thaisbeanadh air bòrd MV An t-Eilean Ìleach agus MV Loch an Dàil.
Tha sinn a’ tòiseachadh ag obair air Ìre 2 den phrògram ionadachaidh air trì soithichean bho chabhlach nan soithichean beaga.
Tha solarachadh an gnìomh air seachd aiseagan dealain ùra gus cuideachadh le taic do choimhearsnachdan nan eilean air lìonra nan aiseagan
Chaidh MV Loch an Dàil a chuir air bhog an-diugh (Disathairne 8 Ògmhios) aig gàrradh-iarainn Cemre Marin Endustri ann an Yalova san Tuirc
Following the successful launch of MV Isle of Islay, CMAL announced the launch date of the second vessel for Islay, MV Loch Indaal, as 8 June 2024
The MV Glen Rosa, the second of two vessels to serve Arran, was launched on Tuesday 9 April 2024 at Ferguson Marine shipyard in Port Glasgow
The MV Isle of Islay, the first of two vessels to serve Islay and Jura, was launched today (Saturday 16 March) at Cemre Marin Endustri shipyard in Yalova, Turkey.
The MV Isle of Islay, the first of two vessels to serve Islay and Jura, was launched today (Saturday 16 March) at Cemre Marin Endustri shipyard in Yalova, Turkey.
The rescheduled public information events will be held in March 2024
An updated Q&A document is now available
The postponed events have now been rescheduled for 11th, 12th and 13th March 2024, at Uig, Tarbert and Lochmaddy respectively.
CMAL has announced the launch of MV Isle of Islay on 16 March 2024 at the Cemre Marin Endustri shipyard in Yalova, Turkey
Conservation of biodiversity—our steps
We announce the names for the two new ferries
We confirm the total cost of the KC investigation
Setting sail for Net Zero—ferries have been converted to accept shore power and will ‘plug-in’ at Aberdeen
The public vote has launched to name the two new vessels for the…
We are pleased to announce an upcoming face-to-face drop-in session for the Mallaig-Lochboisdale New Vessel project