Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL) are pleased to inform you that the Harbour Revision Order (HRO) being applied for as part of the Brodick Ferry Terminal Redevelopment works will be formally submitted to Transport Scotland on Friday 11th April 2014.  The process involves CMAL submitting the HRO to all the statutory consultees (i.e. – SEPA, SNH, North Ayrshire Council) and for the HRO documents to be available for public viewing.  This formal consultation will remain open for a period of 42 days (until 23rd May 2014), during which time any representations (in support or otherwise) must be sent to Transport Scotland (full details are included within the HRO documentation).

All documents are available for download by clicking here or individually below:

Brodick HRO Notice 2014 (PDF, 25kb)
Brodick – Harbour Revision Order
(PDF, 364kb)
Brodick Sheet 1 Location of Works (PDF, 2.3mb)
Brodick Sheet 2 Works (PDF, 122kb)
Brodick Sheet 3 Sections (PDF, 81kb)
Brodick Sheet 4 Plans (PDF, 169kb)
Brodick Sheet 5 Elevations (PDF, 3mb)
Brodick Sheet 6 Kiosk (PDF, 46kb)

The HRO documents and plans will also be available to view at the Brodick Library from Friday 11th of April.

Categories: Press
Tags: BRODICK FERRY TERMINAL, Brodick, Brodick Terminal