Brodick Ferry Terminal Redevelopment Update
The detailed design work on the Brodick Ferry terminal redevelopment project is continuing. Liaison with stakeholders on technical issues is being undertaken as the design proceeds.
The ground investigation works for the redevelopment were tendered at the end of 2013 and the contract has been awarded to Structural Soils Ltd. Structural Soils have programmed to be on site in early February to start the investigation works, which should last 4-6 weeks.
The project is still on programme and the tendering process for the main works will start in spring 2014, subject to confirmation of funding. CMAL will hold another public meeting in the spring or early summer.
Presentation shown at the 6th November Public Meeting containing updates on the development of the new ferry terminal at Brodick.
Brodick – Public Meeting Presentation – 6th Nov 2013 (PDF, 11.5Mb)
Includes information on:
• Plans/technical drawings
• CGI Examples
• Funding/Finance/Phasing
• Programme
Q&A from Public Meeting below:Brodick Terminal Redevelopment -Response to Stakeholder Queries – 6th Nov 2013 (PDF, 664kb)
Categories: Piers and Harbours, Press
Tags: BRODICK FERRY TERMINAL, Brodick, Brodick Terminal, Public Meetings