NTM 33/19 Gourock ferry terminal quayside fender repairs
Latitude | 55° 57.553’ North (WGS-84 datum) |
Longitude | 004o 48.833’ West (WGS-84 datum) |
Mariners are advised that contractors will be undertaking repairs to fendering on the top wires berth at Gourock Ferry Terminal, Firth of Clyde.
The works are scheduled to commence on 18 June 2019 and will be conducted from the quayside using a telehandler with a safety boat in attendance. Works should be completed within 4 days and during this time the contractor’s supervisor will liaise with the CalMac harbour manager and ferry masters and maintain a radio watch on VHF channels 12 and 16.
While the contractors are working on the face of the quayside, the top-wires berthing area will be closed to all vessels.
Mariners navigating in the vicinity are requested to maintain a lookout for the safety boat and proceed at a safe speed to minimise wash.
Further details can be obtained by using the contact details below.
David McHardie
Harbour Master
Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
Municipal Buildings,
Fore St. Port Glasgow
PA1 4 5EQ
Tel: 01475 749 920
Categories: Fios gu Maraichean