NTM 28/19 Coll Ferry Terminal Pier Fender Repairs
Latitude | 56° 36.866’ North (WGS-84 datum) |
Longitude | 006o 31.318’ West (WGS-84 datum) |
Mariners are advised that contractors will be undertaking repairs to wooden fendering on the north side of Coll Ferry Terminal, Loch Eatharna, Isle of Coll.
Works are scheduled to commence on 02 May 2019 and should be completed within 5 days. The contractor will be operating from the pier deck and during this time, the berthing area on the north face of the pier will be closed to all vessels. Further details can be obtained by using the contact details below. David McHardie Tel: 01475 749 920 Email: info@cmassets.co.uk
Categories: Fios gu Maraichean