1 54/14

In continuation of NTM 06/14 mariners are advised that the undernoted AtoN has now been replaced with a new LED sector light assembly but due to the need for further installation works final alignment has yet to be completed. The AtoN is lit however, the sectors should be regarded as unreliable at this time.

The AtoN details are as follows:

Location description: Eilean na Beithe, Loch Fyne (A4297.5)
Latitude: 55° 52.685’   North (WGS-84 datum)
Longitude: 005° 19.623’  West  (WGS-84 datum)
Character of Light: Fl WRG 3s





Please click here to download a printable PDF of NTM 54/14 (442kb)

Further information can be obtained using the contact details

David McHardie
Harbour Master
Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited

Categories: Fios gu Maraichean
Tags: Eilean na Beithe, Loch Fyne