CMAL Offices in Port Glasgow

Vacancy: Senior Civil Engineer

We are recruiting for a Senior Civil Engineer to help deliver our programme of works to maintain existing infrastructure, upgrade facilities to accommodate new vessels and adopt new technologies, and even build brand new ferry terminals.
Visualisation of the Port Ellen Terminal Development

PETD: January 2025 Community Engagement Sessions

We will hold a pre-application consultation (PAC) event to present information on the proposed works at Port Ellen
CMAL Offices in Port Glasgow

Vacancy: PMO Officer

We are recruiting for the position of PMO Officer to strengthen the Business Support Team.
Visualisation of the new Mallaig–Lochboisdale  vessel

Public Engagement: Mallaig–Lochboisdale New Vessel

We are pleased to announce an upcoming face-to-face drop-in session for the Mallaig-Lochboisdale New Vessel project
CMAL Board Trip 2024

Autumn 2024 Newsletter: Catch up on all the latest CMAL news

MV Glen Sannox, MV Isle of Islay, the Small Vessel Replacement Programme, the Islay Vessel Enabling Works—here's all the latest CMAL news

Na naidheachdan as ùire

Ann am Beurla

Vacancy: Senior Civil Engineer

Vacancy: Senior Civil Engineer

We are recruiting for a Senior Civil Engineer to help deliver our programme of works to maintain existing infrastructure, upgrade facilities to accommodate new vessels and adopt new technologies, and even build brand new ferry terminals.

Leughaibh tuilleadh
Vacancy: Senior Civil Engineer

Vacancy: Senior Civil Engineer

We are recruiting for a Senior Civil Engineer to help deliver our programme of works to maintain existing infrastructure, upgrade facilities to accommodate new vessels and adopt new technologies, and even build brand new ferry terminals.

Leughaibh tuilleadh

Cò sinn agus na tha sinn a’ dèanamh

Tha seilbh aig So-mhaoin Mara Cailleannach Earranta air na h-aiseagan, puirt is calaidhean agus air a’ bhun-structar a tha riatanach do sheirbheisean aiseig a tha a’ frithealadh Alba. Tha sinn ag amas air aiseagan, calaidhean is bun-structar phuirt a tha buadhmhor, cosg-èifeachdach agus sàbhailte a sholarachadh do ghnìomharaichean, choimhearsnachdan agus luchd-cleachdaidh ann agus mu thimcheall Alba.


Tha seilbh aig CMAL air 37 aiseagan. Tha trithead ’s a dhà aiseag air màl aig Aiseagan CalMac Earranta air slighean gu eileanan is leth-eileanan taobh siar na h-Alba. Tha còig soithichean air màl aig Aiseagan Serco Northlink airson slighean Arcaibh is Shealtainn.


Tha CMAL mar an t-Ùghdarras Chalaidhean Reachdail agus seilbheadair air 16 puirt is calaidhean ann an Linne Chluaidh agus mu thimcheall Innse Gall, le seilbh air agus leigeil air màl thogalaichean is bun-structar phuirt aig 10 làraichean eile taobh a-staigh nan sgìrean sin.