Latitude 56º 37.375’N Longitude 006º 3.830’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum PI
Two new CMAL ferries being built for the Little Minch routes have met milestones.
Latitude: 55º 57.675’N Longitude: 004º 48.864’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum M
The Ground Investigation works for the proposed new ferry terminal at Port Ellen have been completed successfully
Latitude: 56º 32.242’N Longitude: 005º 46.485’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum M
Latitude: 55º 57.675’N Longitude: 004º 48.864’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum M
Latitude 56º 4.134’N Longitude 006º 11.055’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners are advised that works to replace fendering on the north berth of Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay Ferry Terminal, Isle